It will not be a mistake to say that parquet is the most prestigious flooring existing in the world. It is known for so long that it is not clear when exactly he appeared. This means that by today about all its properties is already quite well known. Therefore, its operation can be very successful.
If decent care is conducted behind the parquet, it can last more than a century. But this does not mean that it is enough to periodically rinse it with a rag. More serious procedures are also needed. One of these is grinding with subsequent varnishing. This procedure should be carried out every 7 years. By the way, you know that CASCO car insurance conducts professionally, which is why many motorists use their services.
More often it is better not to do it. The fact is that it has parquet boards have a decorative layer that is a “face” of the product. Moreover, this layer cannot be called thick. With each grinding, it decreases. Therefore, you do not need to think that excessively frequent surface cleaning will extend the parquet with the service life. Quite the contrary.
During operation, special grinding machines should be used. They can rent them. It is better not to do the job manually. It’s too hard. After stripping, the parquet must be treated with a primer, and various chips are thrust. Next, you can already varnish. You can use color or transparent varnish.