All information about piles: what you need to know

All information about piles: what you need to know

The piles are called the rods scored into the foundation (part of the building underground) so that the load that comes to the ground switches to them. That is, the piles are an integral part of buildings on weak ground, they prevent it from leaching and showing. They are made from different materials: wood, concrete, metal, reinforced concrete. There are many ways to carry out pile work, depending on the materials and soil state.

The most cheap wooden, but, unfortunately, short -lived. Reinforced concrete are considered the best, which will last much longer. The piles also differ in the installation method, divide into clogging and brownish.

Clogging, as the name is clear, clogged in the soil ready, are considered super -strength. They strengthen the foundation both due to supporting pressure and due to the friction of the side surface about the soil. Buronabish piles are made in the ground itself, when a frame poured into a specially drilled well is lowered by concrete. Its advantages are small vibration when installing piles, and, therefore, the least soil deformation.

Pile immersion methods also vary. Divided into stressed, vibration, pressing and drilling method. With the shock method, hammers are used, with which piles are immersed in the soil, vibration, thanks to special technique, reduces the friction force, facilitating the entry. The pressing method favorably differs in the absence of strong loads on the soil, exposure to nearby buildings. When drilling, the resulting well is filled with a sandy-clay solution, which is squeezed when the well is immersed.