Temporary foundations when lowering wells within water bodies are arranged simultaneously with the construction of artificial islands. There are two types of temporary supports intended, respectively, for the construction of monolithic and prefabricated departure wells. Monolithic reinforced concrete wells with an area of the base along the outer perimeter up to 250 m2 are concrete most often on wooden lining, located under the banquet of the knife part along the perimeter of the structure.
With loose and incoherent soils, the base wells are based on sandy, sand-gravel or gravel prisms. To fill out such prisms on the surface of the Earth, special templates are preliminarily installed – goats, sheathed with boards that perceive the expansion force from the prism. Latiferous deposit wells (for example, from panels combined with a knife or having a removable knife) and prefabricated monolithic with a monolithic knife part are also being erected using temporary supporting structures. The main purpose of the supporting structures is to ensure the immutability of the mounted walls of the well during their assembly.
With all this, the supporting structures should be easily versed to ensure the operational and uniform transfer of the well into the ground and further of its unhindered immersion. Temporary supports of prefabricated reinforced concrete departure wells are arranged from concrete (unlike monolithic wells where they are arranged from wooden beams, logs or sleepers), since higher requirements for the accuracy of the installation of reinforced concrete parts of the well. For the installation of supports, prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks or plates are used under the knife of the well along its perimeter with two rings with a distance between them 3 … 5 cm.