Building a private cottage with your own hands

Building a private cottage with your own hands

Today, some people buy land in the city to build a cottage. The construction of such a large house should be entrusted to experienced masters. But each owner must choose the material from which his house will be built. For many years, people built brick houses. It is perfect for building houses of any type. You can also choose absolutely any layout of the rooms inside the house. Today you can buy a very high -quality brick in any city. Many firms provide discounts to those customers who buy large batches of brick.

Before starting all construction work, you need to prepare a house project. Architects must make calculations of the future weight of all structures. It is also necessary to calculate the load on the foundation. It is necessary to conduct an examination of the project. Non -state examination of project documentation is carried out quite quickly and is inexpensive.

Construction must begin with the construction of the foundation. This work should be done by professionals. Next begins the construction of the walls of the house. The correct masonry of brick is of great importance. If you have never built at home, you should not try to do it yourself. If financial capabilities allow, it is better to hire a team of professional masons. Otherwise, one specialist can be invited, and all the utility work can be done by family members. In order to prepare a cement mortar for masonry, you need to mix cement, sand and water. Each mason knows the exact norms. The entire mixture needs to be mixed well.

Brick masonry should be flat. All rows of bricks should be perpendicular to the Earth. Therefore, you need to constantly check with the help of a plumb of the evenness of the masonry.