Innovation of wooden housing construction: what has changed

Innovation of wooden housing construction: what has changed

Domestic entrepreneurs, feeling market fluctuations, offer consumers environmentally friendly materials, wood today is in special demand. Residents of cities not only seek to surround themselves with objects from natural materials, many leave megalopolits at all, leaving for living in the area.

It is now growing around the world not only “upward”, but also “in breadth”, low -rise private construction is popular in Europe, Canada, the USA and, of course, in our country. Despite the fact that the history of wooden housing construction has centuries -old roots, innovative solutions are constantly appearing to observe the balance between the natural balance and comfort for humans.

A special love for wood is noted among the inhabitants of Finland, despite the urbanization and the presence of a large number of reinforced concrete buildings in cities. The government of the country has developed a project called the “wooden city”, in which it is planned to build not only private one -story houses, but also apartment buildings – it is from wood.

Throughout the world, a house of wood is built according to three technologies: panel, frame-chipped structures and blocks made of whole logs are being built. At the same time, wood is used both in the decoration of the premises and in furniture production (the cut of chipboard is not only a convenient, but also a safe way to produce wooden furniture).

The innovative method of wooden housing construction – voluminous modular construction – did not receive proper distribution in our country, and at the moment we can only see such designs in Finland and Europe. Meanwhile, many specialists in wooden housing construction exactly this method of erecting houses consider it optimal for our state. The convenience and budget value of innovative technology is that houses in 1-3 floors are made in the factory in the factory in the factory. At the same time, the house from the plant comes out not only in the collected form – it already has everything necessary for life, including plumbing and minimum kitchen equipment.