KC save heat in your own housing

KC save heat in your own housing

In order to protect your living space from heat loss, of course, it is worth using thermal insulation materials, of which the choice is now a crazy amount on the market. Indeed, almost every year on the market you can find dozens of new high -quality heat insulators, which have better and better functions, and therefore only the most modern thermal insulation materials are worth choosing. True, it is worth noting separately that you can still choose less expensive older heat insulators, like polystyrene foam or polystyrene.

It is worth noting separately that more advanced modern heat insulators, of course, have more useful properties. After all, the same foam, although it is considered a high -quality thermal insulation material, is afraid of fire, and can be ignited with one spark. And modern heat -insulating materials are not afraid of fire, exactly as well as water, microorganisms, and temperature difference. Therefore, it is best not to save, and to install the best heat -insulating materials in your apartment, which are often produced in the form of plates, which also have decorative qualities. The installation of heat -insulating materials should be engaged in high -level master, and you should not think that in order to achieve significant thermal insulation of space in an apartment or private house, it will be necessary to literally lay all thermal insulation materials to lay the surface of the walls. No, it will be necessary to use special devices to determine those places in an apartment where heat most often goes the most, and then it is already possible to use heat insulators pointwise to prevent heat from departure from the premises.

True, there are cases when there is a northern wall in the apartment, which most of all takes the heat, and here you will have to cover the entire wall with heat -insulating material in order to avoid loss of significant heat from the rooms of the apartment where if the heat insulators are not used, then practically the loss of heat will be constant and it will be constant and significant.