Materials from filtered rocky breeds: what is it

Materials from filtered rocky breeds: what is it

Materials from weak -filled rocky rocks and shales need very careful compaction, since the penetration of water into the body of embankments from such materials can eventually cause their destruction. Therefore, the seal here should be combined with the crushing of the material so that all the voids are filled. Vibration cam rollers are especially suitable for performing such a complex operation. The thickness of the layers should be limited.

Chalk is a faint limestone of white color, which in a wet state acquires the properties of coherent soil. Therefore, in wet areas, the seal of embankments from such material should be incredible. At the same time, it is recommended to use vibration rinks with smooth rollers and fist rollers. The thickness of the rolling layers is prescribed in the same range as when compiling clays.

Sand and gravel. When in the 50s the vibrational seal was first widely introduced into the practice of soil processing, it was believed that this method was suitable only for sand, gravel and crushed stone. Obviously, the vibrational method is especially convenient and profitable for sealing sand and gravel. Among other reasons, in this regard, one can note the possibility of compaction of materials in layers of large thickness from 0.5 m or more with 5-ton vibrational rollers and up to 1.5 m-15-ton vibration rollers (mass of a waltz module). With a limited thickness of the rolling layer, very light vibrational machines can provide a high density of the material.

The characteristic features of the sealing of sand and gravel with a natural drain containing no more than 5-10% of small fractions but compared with other types of soils.

Sand and gravel with natural drainage reach higher density values ​​and are compacted by layers of greater thickness being in a water -saturated state than with reduced natural humidity. If increased requirements are imposed on the density and quality of the embankment, then water should be added to the material. To ensure complete water supply, such embankments can be flooded with water. Buy quartz sand from a warehouse in Moscow offers the company Techstroy.