We plan a turnkey bath to build: how to do it

We plan a turnkey bath to build: how to do it

Turnkey Bath Banning usually takes several days. For this reason, real floors cannot be erected: they will be trampled, and can be spoiled by rains. It is customary to collect the final floor when the surface of the roof of the bath is already covered and each interior is protected from the influence of snow or rain.

At the same time, for the convenience of erecting a turnkey bath, it is better to lay temporary floors. There will be enough boards for temporary floors, which has a thickness of 20 to 25 millimeters. Subsequently, the materials of temporary floors will be used for the construction of black floors of such a bathhouse. If a not very large bathhouse is being built, the timing of the construction of which fluctuates from two to three days, and weather conditions allow you to continue construction, then temporary floors in the bath may not be arranged. Such issues are resolved by the foreman of the builders at their discretion. Today the ready -made turnpath bath is done quickly enough and easy.

The log cabin of the bath is assembled from a profiled timber. Such a beam practically does not give any shrinkage. In particular, if linosa lenses are used as seals between the crowns of the bar of the bathhouse. In this case, flax serves as a valuable material that prevents decay, in the same way as, for example, moss. The process of fixing the crowbar crowns relative to each other is achieved using a wooden nagel, which is clogged into a pre -drilled hole in the bars of your log house.

For doors and windows in the walls of the log of the bath, it is better to leave the openings. The first of the crowns of each wall should be put on a bastard. By this you can achieve the transmission of the pressure of the wall of the wall for the entire massive foundation of such a bath, and not its floors.