What is the technology of “owli”

What is the technology of “owli”

A positive economic effect of the application of the components / efficiency of technology and construction time / economic effect of expenses for current and capital repairs / savings on operating costs / on the efficiency of construction using technology, using the monolithic foam concrete “owli”

The construction economy is a complex indicator consisting of the full amount of construction costs and related design and survey work. Along with the indicated disposable expenses, periodicals associated with the current cost and repair costs of the building are also included in the efficiency indicator.

Positive economic effect from the use of components

Frame construction using the Office Technology, using a light non -vomiting foam concrete as a heater, is favorably different in that there is completely no insulation transportation. A cement is brought to the construction site, from which foam concrete is made. In traditional frame construction with insulation of walls and ceilings using mineral wool, basalt fiber or polystyrene foam, during the transportation of insulation vehicles, in fact, transports air (with large volumes – minimum weight).

Positive efficiency is given by the application, as a fixed formwork stuffed on a frame, sheet finishing materials: drywall, oriented-steering plate, glass-fruits of sheets. In this case, these materials perform two functions: they serve as formwork and for its intended purpose, t. e. are a finished surface for a minimum finish.

The use of this technology allows you to completely abandon the use of lifting equipment for low -rise construction.

The use of foam concrete, according to the “owli” technology, as a heater, noise insulation, structural material, reduces the nomenclature of the construction components used that require transportation to the construction site.